MS Word Features/Creating Folder and Saving File

Title Bar
This lesson will familiarize you with the Microsoft Word screen. We will start with the Title bar, which is located at the very top of the screen. On the Title bar, Microsoft Word displays the name of the document on which you are currently working. At the top of your screen, you should see "Microsoft Word - Document1" or a similar name

Menu Bar

The Menu bar is generally found directly below the Title bar. The Menu bar displays the menu. The Menu bar begins with the word File and continues with Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help. You use the menus to give instructions to the software. Point with your mouse to a menu option and click the left mouse button to open a drop-down menu. You can now use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move left and right across the Menu bar options. You can use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the drop-down menu.

Two types of Tool Bar
1. Formating tool bar
2. Standard tool bar
Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar. Before proceeding with this lesson, make sure the toolbars you will use -- Standard and Formatting -- are available. Follow these steps

Ruler Bar
The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The ruler is used to change the format of your document quickly. To display the ruler

Text Area
Just below the ruler is a large area called the "text area." You type your document in the text area. The blinking vertical line in the upper left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion point. As you type, your work shows at the cursor location. The horizontal line next to the cursor marks the end of the document
Status Bar

The Status bar appears at the very bottom of the screen and provides such information as the current page, current section, total number of pages, inches from the top of the page, current line number, and current column number. The Status bar also provides options that enable you to track changes or turn on the Record mode, the Extension mode, the Overtype mode, and the Spelling and Grammar check.

Horizontal and Vertical Tool bar

The Horizontal and Vertical scroll bars, if turned on, enable you to move up and down or across the window simply by pressing the icons located on the scroll bars. The Horizontal scroll bar is located above the Status bar. The Vertical scroll bar is located along the right side of the screen. To move up and down your document, click and drag the Vertical scroll bar up and down. To move back and forth across your document, click and drag the Horizontal scroll bar.

Task Pane

The Task Pane is a rectangular window that may appear on the right side of the screen when Word opens. It acts as an open menu, giving you a list of functions and commands to perform depending on what you are doing at the moment. For example, when you first launch a new presentation, the Task Pane will be labeled Getting Started. The Getting Started task pane allows you to open recent documents, search for documents and files, create new documents, and access Microsoft Office Online.

Save Files

Save your file by following these instructions:

  1. Choose File > Save As from the menu.
  2. Specify the correct folder in the Save In field.
  3. Name your file by typing lesson5.doc in the File Name field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Choose File > Exit from the Menu.

Exiting Word

You have completed Lesson One. Typically, you would save your work before exiting. This lesson does not require you to enter any text, so you might have nothing to save. To exit Word:

  1. Click File.
  2. Click Exit, which can be found at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
  3. If you have entered text, you will be prompted: "Do you want to save changes to Document1?" To save your changes, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
  4. Specify the correct folder in the Save In box.
  5. Name your file by typing lesson1.doc in the File Name field.
  6. Click Save.

Open File

To continue working on a file you previously saved, you must open the file. To open the file you used in Lesson 3:

  1. Choose File > Open from the menu.
  2. Make sure the folder you noted during the previous lesson displays in the Look In field.
  3. The file is named "lesson3.doc." Type lesson3.doc in the File Name field.
  4. Click Open. The file you created during the previous lesson appears.

Cut and Paste

In Microsoft Word, you can cut (delete) text from one area of a document and save that text so it can be pasted elsewhere in the document. When you cut text, it is stored on the Clipboard. You can also copy text. When you copy text, it is also stored on the Clipboard. Information stored on the Clipboard stays there until new information is either cut or copied. Each time you execute Cut or Copy, you replace the old information on the Clipboard with whatever you just cut or copied. You can paste Clipboard information as often as you like.

Copy and Paste

In Microsoft Word, you can copy text from one area of the document and place that text elsewhere in the document. As with cut data, copied data is stored on the Clipboard.

Bullets and Numbering

In Microsoft Word, you can easily create bulleted or numbered lists of items. Several bulleting and numbering styles are available, as shown in the examples. You select the one you wish to use. Try the exercises to see how it works.

Open New File

  1. Choose File > New from the menu.
  2. Click Blank Document in the New Document pane.
  3. If you need to close the pane, click on the X in the upper right corner of the New Document Pane to close the pane.

Creating a Table

To create a four-column, five-row table:

  1. Choose Table > Insert > Table from the menu. The Insert Table dialog box opens.
  2. Type 4 in the Number of Columns field.
  3. Type 5 in the Number of Rows field.
  4. Select Auto in the Column Width field. Selecting Auto allows Microsoft Word to determine the size of your column widths. Alternatively, you can enter the column width you desire.
Click OK. Your table should look like the one shown here, with four columns and five rows

Alternate Method -- Creating a Table by Using the Insert Table Icon

You can also create a table by clicking on the Insert Table icon on the Standard toolbar.

  1. Click the Insert Table icon.

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  1. Highlight the number of rows and columns you need. The maximum table size you can create by this method is a four-row by five-column table.

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  1. Press Enter (or click) to create the table.

Note: Microsoft Word has a Tables and Borders toolbar. This lesson does not cover the Tables and Borders toolbar.

Moving Around a Table

Each block in a table is called a cell. Use the Tab key to move from cell to cell from left to right. Use Shift-Tab to move from cell to cell from right to left. The following exercise demonstrates.

  1. Click in the first cell in the first column.
  2. Press the Tab key nine times. The cursor moves forward nine cells.
  3. Press Shift-Tab six times. The cursor moves backward six cells.

Note: You can also move to a cell by clicking in the cell. In addition, you can move around the table by using the left, right, up, and down arrow keys.


A. Basic Power Point Features

The basic PowerPoint screen layout in Normal View is displayed below. Key areas are defined

Screen View
PowerPoint provides you with four screen layouts for use in designing your presentation in addition to the Slide Show view. You can select the page view by the View menu on the menu bar or by using the view toolbar located just above the drawing toolbar and at the bottom of the page

Slide Basics

How to Insert a New Slide

Follow these steps to insert a new slide into your presentation:

1. From the Outline window, select the slide you want the new slide to appear after by selecting the slide's number.

2. Select Insert>New Slide from the menu bar or click the new slide button on the standard toolbar.

3. Choose the layout from the new slide window and press OK. (new slide window is shown below)

Applying a Design Template

To add a design template or changing the existing one, selection Format>Design Template from the menu bar. Select the template and click Apply.

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How to Change Slide Layouts

To change the layout of a slide, select Format>Slide Layout from the menu bar. Select one of the layout thumbnail images and click Apply.

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